Excellent... Just excellent
By Ayrwag
Great samples and perfect flow. Hail lord quas.
Lord Quas...
By VivaLAhate
Stayed away on purpose and finally broke down and had to do try it cuz I loved the others. Madlib is never a disappointment but this was phoned in. If it was anyone else it would b a great album but there is such high expectations from loop digger it must b hard to follow genius after genius. Just please keeping making music.
By Sbsbval
Really good album but can't hold a candle to The Unseen
Album of the Year!
By MetalFacedVillain91
Can't get enough of this album, it's irresistible.
Lord Quas
By Henry Lee MC
Straight Mvtha Fvkin Dope
By topdawge98
Never heard of this guy before until I went to the CD store with my friend. Came home and listened to it and was impressed. Good beats and production. I dig the old school sound. Definetly creative and original. The auto tuned voice in some of the tracks mixes it in a good way. COnsider buying!!!
By Iñaki skater
Since 2000?
God Bless You, Madlib!
By chopnation90
The return of Quasimoto!!!! YES PLEEEEEEZ!
By Brooklyn Boii
Was just listening to Yeezus (garbage) when I saw this, decided to check this out. This is amazing, reminds me of the earlier 2000's with Baby Bash and Outkast, mixed with the underground. Love it, gonna download it when I get the money.
8 yrs later
By mbricht
bit of a different feel than the last two joints, clean audio, lyrically on point, grab a copy