Test for Echo - Rush

Test for Echo


  • Genre: Hard Rock
  • Release Date: 1996-09-10
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 11

  • ℗ 1996 Atlantic Records. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group C


Title Artist Time
Test for Echo Rush 5:55
Driven Rush 4:27
Half the World Rush 3:42
The Color of Right Rush 4:48
Time and Motion Rush 5:01
Totem Rush 4:58
Dog Years Rush 4:55
Virtuality Rush 5:43
Resist Rush 4:23
Limbo Rush 5:28
Carve Away the Stone Rush 4:05


  • Sooo under appreciated.

    By Grvc4
    I know Test For Echo has plenty of fans, but it also seems to make it to the very bottom of many overall rankings. I’ve never understood this. This is a FANTASTIC record! Personally, my favorite since Moving Pictures. The title song, Driven, Virtuosity, and Time and Motion are the standouts. All are a great mix of modern influences and that super proggy Rush sound. There are moments, as always, where the musicianship just fries your brain and melts your face. Don’t listen to the critics. Give this one a deeper listen.
  • Underrated Rush

    By jpmusic
    When this record was released it wasn't embraced by Rush fans for being as great as it is. This was due mainly to two tracks "Dog Years" & "Virtuality" which many thought lacked lyrically. Over time, this record certainly stands strong. This record is also known for introducing us to Neil Peart's fresh approach to the drums after studying with the late great Freddie Gruber. Musically and sonically it's always been great. Highlights include "Test For Echo", "Driven", "Totem" & "Resist". Highly underrated.
  • Great Album

    By Spacey-Acey
    This is a great album. Still holds up after all these years.
  • Hmmmm...

    By Reckia6
    Another inconsistent Rush album. Very good mix, with Lifeson's crunchy guitar high in the mix. Very little keyboards, which is nice. I don't like the title track but really like the three songs after it, Driven, Half The World and The Color of Right. I like the instrumental Limbo quite a bit and also like parts of Time and Space. On the downside, I don't care for Dog Years, which shows that Neil Peart should never write lyrics when hungover. Cool riff, though. Carve Away The Stone is a strong way to end the album. One of the forgotten Rush albums. I dig the cover, too.
  • Love Rush, but Test for Echo is meh

    By The hiphopopotamous
    Being a life long Rush fan, I'm used to excellence, but as far as I am aware, this is the only mediocre Rush Album ever. I love Hemispheres, Permanent Waves, 2112, Moving Pictures, and pretty much anything rush released up until the 90s. Not a bad album, just forgettable, which is something that when Test for Echo came out, I wasn't used to.
  • Test for Echo

    By Rockstarboi5150
    After 1993's "Counterparts" and the supporting tour, Rush decided to take some time off. During that time, drummer Neil Peart he was becoming conflicted with his drumming. He did a Buddy Rich tribute concert, in which he met teacher Freddie Gruber. Peart decided to learn under Gruber to completely reinvent his playing style, which he applies to their 1996 album, "Test for Echo". Peart sounds much more relaxed in his playing on this record. He also writes about many topics that surround his interests. "Half the World" talks of division in society. "Totem" discusses different concepts of religion. This album is though the last one they would release until 2002 due to personal tragedies in Peart's life. Many fans thought this was the final record, but it is so great to hear that they could reunite shortly after the new millennium.
  • What took me so long?

    By DeepBleep
    I made the mistake of listening to other people’s opinion and waited far too long to add this album to my collection. My loss! It is instrumentally powerful and not too shabby on the lyrical side, either. Those who have categorized this as one of the lesser albums in Rush’s discography are really doing a disservice.
  • Materful Musicianship and Lyrics - Of Course!

    By Subcyclist
    I just purchased this album, after having owned it since its release - I cannot find my disc, and I have lost a few of the ripped files. It has been one of my favorite albums; not just by Rush, but of all the music I own. Peart consitently creates meaningful lyrics about more of the human condition than just love and sex. The trio are masters of their musical instruments, and their musical quality is far above most artists. I introduced my kids to Rush with this album before any others. It is okay that they do not want to own it, too, but they do like listening to it in my car with me. Rush's quality 'strikes a chord' with people of any generation. I am grateful to these three gents for sharing their gift with all of us.
  • Still a rock force

    By LSA2013
    I'm more of a 70's/80's Rush fan, but they never fell off the radar. Driven and Limbo are definitely my favorite two from this album.
  • driven

    By RUSH awsomeness 4ever
    this is a really great album favorite songs : Driven,Test for echo,Reisit,and Half the world.