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Title Artist Time


  • Drummer is the Focal Point

    By WC5565
    Rush is the band where the drummer is the main attraction. Not discounting the considerable abilities of Lee or Lifeson. But Neil Peart will appeal more so to a broader audience by turning "Summertime Blues," for example, upside down. There were very few drummers that were as good overall- John Bonham or Ginger Baker might be considered. But in Rush, the drummer takes center stage more so than in any other. By the way, Feedback is a great release full of classic rock notables. Grade- A-.
  • Awesome Covers

    By Hayweaver
    One of my favorite bands of all time covering some of my other favorite bands :) doesn't get much better than that.
  • Amazing cover album!

    By LSA2013
    They definitely need to do another album like this.
  • One of the best

    By Movies7272
    Brilliant Job by Rush on these songs. The classic Rock songs of the 1960s played by Rush. One of my most favorite Albums of all time.
  • Itunes reviewer

    By Dude1723
    whoever reviewed this for Itunes is awesome. nice to see a fan show this much support haha. of course this is a great album its Rush!
  • Tribute to the Greats

    By A real snake
    As you can notice, this ISN'T a full Rush album, it is an EP, nor is it original material, these are covers of classic 60's songs by artists who have influenced Rush. Most of these songs are by blues and hard rock artists like Robert Johnson, Cheer and The Who, so they are very different from what we have heard from Rush. That said, they are pretty good at that, as a tribute to their influences.