Hotel California - Eagles

Hotel California


  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 1976-12-08
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 9

  • ℗ 1976 Asylum Records. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Com


Title Artist Time
Hotel California Eagles 6:31
New Kid In Town Eagles 5:04
Life In the Fast Lane Eagles 4:46
Wasted Time Eagles 4:56
Wasted Time (Reprise) Eagles 1:23
Victim of Love Eagles 4:10
Pretty Maids All In a Row Eagles 3:59
Try and Love Again Eagles 5:11
The Last Resort Eagles 7:24


  • 2024

    By Ariana.G✨
    I am in 2024 and I am learning Hotel California..💙
  • I’m 13

    By 🐾🍂🍃PolyTherian🍃🍂🐾
    He died In the hotel :)
  • The Hotel Blackwell

    By Eric in Manchester
    I will tell you all what say what you want and say what you will this Eagles song is and will be known as the song of the Stockton see no evil 5 at stevens park and to set the thing and set the record straight master-A heads up fast thinking gentleman who somehow found his way into a lair and saw his Kira hanging by her wrists after they were tied together and Kira’s blood circulation was being cut off and he saw that his Kira was crying and she wanted to be a free girl Jacob would cage her but master would have none of that and he was able to get his Kira to the ladder co 6 basket to get his kira out the rotten Blackwell hotel so kira-with tears streaming down her cheeks was hugging master and as master said it was his fast thinking that would make him even more stronger than he was before Kira who later said as the eagles would say in the song they are using kira for a meal feast they will kill her with their sharp knives but master will kill Jacob the beast and after master finally got Kira to the basket of ladder co 6 Kira said through her tears that she loved her master so deeply and she loves Donna and her father
  • Best Type Of Music

    By Elon Musk Tech Support
    So what is the best type of music, you may be asking? Well if you combine all of the best parts of life together into a genre or type of music, I would say that you have created an undeniable best and most enjoyable to listen to. Now what does this genre consist of? Well first of all it has to be something that has rhythm, rhyme. Something that once you learn it you can’t get it out of your head, in a nice way of course. One of the other more important attributes that it consists of is that it isn’t swearing or violent, making you wonder whether you should be listening to it in the first place. No, it is calm and full of happy vibes that can make your day if you feel a little down. Now all of these things that I have mentioned. Well, they are all what make the Eagles and all of their music what some would call the G.O.A.T, and in my opinion, with out a doubt, the best music there has ever been! ~Liam Age 11
  • I’m 13

    By good fix for s do
    I’m 13 and I love this album even though it’s older than me I love it 🎧
  • I’m 14

    By Supreme4k12
    I love this old stuff, just love it. I can’t understand why kids like snoop dog and kayne west. I’ve listened to their songs and they are all trashy or so cryptic it’s just confusion of sound. I mean, the closest I get to modern music is daughtry and skillet! It’s such a shame that kids don’t appreciate good music when they hear it. But anyways this album is great. Definitely five out of five stars for me. Go eagles!
  • I’m 12

    By dj mac 2.0
    Not many kids nowadays would even know about this kind of music but some do
  • Best album ever

    By micsteek
    Amazing album
  • Amazon Killer

    By Aloming
    So this is the catcher and the rye of music, huh?
  • Back when you had to deliver the goods.

    By Eddie Estes
    To the 14 yer old you are right. Wheat we have now is assembled music with mediocre singers auto tuned into great singers. When this album was done you either could sing or you couldn’t.