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Title Artist Time


  • Um

    By Sparklez๐Ÿบ
    You and other peeps(people) stole Goyteโ€™s song
  • Waiting for another album with this flavor!!

    By Cdubs1721
    WOTE - this album is everything it should be and more!! Now my kids ask me to put it on every-single-time we get in the car. We like Sing It All Away too but we LOVE R.E.V.O.!!! It's been a while since you guys put out originals - can we PLEASE get another R.E.V.O.-esque album? Also - can you please come to NJ, USA? Love you guys!!!
  • The talent!

    By Mossgirlz3
    Love this whole album!
  • Awesome !!!!!

    By lari0929
    I was listening to one of their song and my baby it's not even born yet started kicking like crazy I guess he liked it too ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™โค๏ธ
  • Amazing!

    By ๐Ÿ’–MuSic๐Ÿ’–
    I love this song, I listened to it a few years back, to many times to count, but I lost track of the name of both the band & the song, until now. I love the beat, and harmonies. I just can't say enough to explain exactly why I love this song. But I do! 5 stars isn't even enough. ๐Ÿ’“
  • Such talent!

    By Momofdom
    WOTE is such a talented group. You won't be disappointed if you buy this album!
  • Simply amazing

    By Make More new songs
    These guys are simply amazing. I was just on my Nintendo 3ds video and I saw these guys. And I was just rocking out. I am playing it all the time because of the harmonies, beat, tune. My favorite of out of them is Gang of Rhythm. I like the music video. I wish I can see them play gang of rhythm in real life.
  • WOTE amazing

    By jjmele
    They are soooo good. Much success to WOTE.
  • Awesomeness!!!

    By cristtuca
    Everything about them is awesome! The harmony, the instrumental, the energy, everything! All songs are great! Can't wait to see you live!
  • Pure music.

    By OnyxOsprey
    I discovered WOTE through Gang of Rhythm, which I ended up purchasing after listening constantly. Eventually I felt compelled to complete the album, and was incredibly satisfied with the full product. You can tell that WOTE is a band that simply loves making music; every song is filled with life, vibrancy, and passion, which is sadly lacking in a lot of music that is popular nowadays. I can confidently say that every song on this album is solid and addictive, and I've kept this one album on repeat for days on end. Fantastic in every aspect.