Silver Wilkinson - Bibio

Silver Wilkinson


  • Genre: Electronic
  • Release Date: 2013-05-13
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 11

  • ℗ 2013 Warp Records Limited


Title Artist Time
The First Daffodils Bibio 2:57
Dye the Water Green Bibio 5:25
Wulf Bibio 2:09
Mirroring All Bibio 5:38
À tout à l'heure Bibio 4:09
Sycamore Silhouetting Bibio 3:16
You Bibio 5:29
Raincoat Bibio 4:08
Look at Orion! Bibio 7:38
Business Park Bibio 4:59
You Won't Remember... Bibio 3:04


  • Magical

    By MJLU280
    Listen to "Dye the water green" with headphones on. Takes you to a special place.
  • Beautiful Music

    By Sa Lopez
    Bibio is so in tune to the world and translates it perfectly into music. This is just another chapter of his creativity which is second to none
  • perfect

    By evanjamesatwood
    The amount of creativity & talent to create this album is incredible. I'm so happy to be able to enjoy this 35 minutes of pure joy.
  • over looked album

    By thedoubtful
    It took me only one listen to really enjoy this album
  • Grew on me….

    By RedsRule
    After my first few listens I was kind of disappointed, but the more I listen, the more I really enjoy it…. One of those albums that grew on me with time…those often end up being some of my fav's.
  • YOU: You gotta get this track.

    By bozio
    YOU is what everybody wants to bop to.
  • Bibio

    By DC Sims
    Bibio has such a unique sound, he seamlessly intertwines guitar and electronic to create something that only he can do. This album was not a disappointment. He took a step back from Mind Brokeh and went to some of his roots with this album. With slightly less electronic (But it still doesn't fail to impress). A brilliant artist with a new and brilliant release! Please buy it, because he deserves it and your summer depends on it.
  • One Of The Best Albums OF 2013

    By Christian Willis
    This album took me to another world, please support this artist by actually BUYING this album, you will not be disappointed…It has everything, something to relax to, something to dance to, and the overall sound of this album is just AMAZING!!
  • Exactly what I was hoping for

    By syz1969
    This album feels a bit like a return to a different time just prior to his Warp outings but yet it isn’t. It's also really an amalgam of his last 8 years and by that I mean that you can really hear the application of different tools and stylings into this release. It isn't just the attention to more acoustic emphasis here but how he shifts seamlessly between electronic and acoustic forms that is so indicative of his style at this point. It's much more introverted than Mind Boken and far more delightful. He moves between emotional worlds so effortlessly. I imagine there was a time when some commented that he was like an acoustic Boc, Pitchfork called him a one trick pony which they had to rescind after Ambivalence Ave but really more to the point he has more than proven no one can do Bibio like Bibio. This is a great album. Truly.
  • Bibio Continues The Same Beaten Path

    By AdoomCusack
    Over the years I've become quite fond of Mr. Wilkinson's production of sound recording. Always creating melodies that hinder back to days of youth or a summer long ago. He doesn't disappoint and just in time for this coming summer. On another note, since Ambivalence Avenue most of Bibio's catalog sound the same and come off more like b-sides to previous records or tracks that weren't finished and went back to tweak up. This again, isn't a bad thing. Anything new regardless of how familiar it is, is great. Unique tracks like "Take Off Your Shirt" (Radically different sound from most of what he usually does.) as well as some funky "Wah Wahs" seem absent here. Replaced with what you'd usually hear from his earlier albums minus the glitches and synths that Warp Records influence has put on him, though he has always loved electronic music, he is from the UK after all. I'm sure this record will grow on me over time. I just hope he knows he can still be comfortable trying new things. Heck, he has before and I know he's itching to. I almost feel he did this to keep his fans content, like a calm before the storm.