More 666!
By MalaX3
666 has some awesome music its really a shame there isnt more availible on the store here. and and for a refrance to whoever wrote "6th gate" and "I'm your Nightmare" by 666 its actually done by D-Devils not 666. To Apple: Get More quality Dance/Euro Music on here cuz this Markski and TKC stuff doesnt cut it
Wheres his other stuff ?
By Mr. Jack 22
This guy is awesome. Supadupafly is an amazing song but why doesnt itunes have any of his other songs? If you like this song you would like Im your nightmare and 6th gate by 666.
By DanmdoBloodfist
This is by far one of the best songs I have heard; though the Original Mix is the best (though not on the CD). 666, however, does have a lot of good music other than this song; its a pity iTunes doesn't have more of their music.
radio edit
By crazyrussian
dis stuff got some madddd good beats to it... radio edit is the nest one