Why cant i buy album
By Tahj21
I like the album and want to but it but itunes wont let me buy it
By NaNo^^
Nuff' said
Fangirling over ナノ
By The Llamakiin
I love nano's music, and was really excited that we got her music. I was more than willing to buy it, but I was kind of sad that Now or never wasn't here...Oh well. I still love it!
By Anfantastic
So good
By KiraBlitzers
I need "Now or Never"
Why no "Now or Never"
By Swayze7832
I love every song on this CD, but the best one imo is missing from this partial album. Why isn't "Now or Never" in this. Which royalty holder is being a jerk about making the song available. Either way I hope they pull their heads out of their #$%es soon and get that song on the US iTunes store
By Aie
DUDE WHERE IS NOW OR NEVER. WHY IS THIS PARTIAL?!? I am crying man.... :,( I love nano.. I really want now or never right now.. Please.. This is torture.
Nano is the best ^^
By One ok rock #1
Plz put magenta luv that song <3
Nano's new album
By HiMissAlice3
I am an absolute nano fan girl. These songs are all so amazing.
Love Nano
By BIOshotz
Where's the full album? Hopefully it comes out soon.