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Title Artist Time


  • Choose Owile Remix

    By the1980s_king
    The Heaven track which is slated on this month's album is a definite hybrid of Violator themes mixed with Songs Of Faith & Devotion-- alt. rock, blues and may I dare add "Gospel" genres. The Owile Remix makes the track harmoniously trendy with house and longue music mixes; Very slow beats per minute, but the theme here is leaning forward to the muiscal themes based in Songs Of Faith & Devotion. Perhaps that's why folks wrote boring & unispiring. What those folks want is a song like "Kaleid" by Depeche Mode and "World In My Eyes".
  • track #2 a gateway to heaven

    By bosho bosho
    i didnt like the song in the beginning until i listened to owlle remix and then i felt i was in heaven too it should've been the original mix of the song

    By tmpd97006
    I have been a fan of DM ever since the 1st time I heard Dave Gahan sing. Which has been 27yrs of my 39yrs. They def have evolved over the last 33yrs. Martin is and has always been my fav!! Unfortunately I've only been to 4 concerts. Usually they go to Seattle before Portland. The last tour in 2009 was by far the best ever. I spent a crapload on tickets thru a broker to be the 3rd row and it was amazing!! There def have been songs that I didn't like initially, but besides MOZ there is no other band or artist that I will go out and buy the physical CD AND download the album off iTunes. I love my boys!!!!
  • What

    By midnighttaken
    Tough crowd here. I like it, can't wait for the rest. Funny how sometimes you hate it at first and then later (even months later) it grows on you.
  • Sometimes less is more. Sometimes less is less.

    By kavika411
    Taking a page from the playbook of Radiohead and Bowie, Depeche Mode increasingly confuse lack of percussion (read - a simple beat, even) with some sort of next-step "art."
  • Track 5

    By quantum28
    Let me get this straight , Matthew Dear vs. Himself ( Audion ) ? Come on you guys take chances !!!! This is some dreary stuff ...... you guys /and gals should have Oliver produce an EP for you .... He's fresh and hot right now and applying what you helped invent ! HITS ! Timeless songs !
  • awesome like always

    By ositohappy
    one more time DM make the difference the sound is awesome and the forthcoming album i'm pretty sure gonna be another great work!!!!!!
  • Bummer!

    By chachingkobe
    Owlle Remix is it. Haven't been happy since Ultra. Put all their good songs from the exciter and after albums from 2000 to 2013. We might have something good from the past (Some Great Reward, Black Celebration, etc).that you can here from beginning to end. Only like B-side to this single, which isn't available on itunes.
  • BORING!!

    By swhite0
    I'm sorry I bought this. Really boring.
  • Still great after all of these years

    By DrBlack
    I would have preferred "Angel" to this song as the first single. Fantastic verse, mediocre chorus. Great music.