Great song.
By redneck1966
The first time i heard it i was sitting at a stop light on my way home from work and it had me in tears. It was just so good i had to buy it.
By Megmarie623
This song gave me chills the first time I heard it. What beautiful lyrics that hits every spot in your heart. Amazing job. Love it.
Everyone needs to listen to this
By 13850
Everyone one needs to listen to this if they don't believe in GUN CONTROL. Andy hit it on the head again with this heart rendering song! Please don't forget these 20 LITTLE ANGELS.
Great song
By Yoyo.man17
Great song
Beautiful Tribute
By kbkandles
Thanks for sharing and putting into words what so many people feel. What a wonderful gift to be able to give back.
Beautiful tribute
By nuts4andy
Andy writes from his heart and this is a perfect example. You can feel his heart break at the thought of so many children dying so young. It is his way of helping us to remember and honor them. Beautiful song. Thanks Andy.
Thank you!
By Lorac3265
What a beautiful tribute to those innocent children caught in such a tragic moment. Thank you for your generously donating the profits from this touching song.
Andy As Usual
By JodieBlonde56
I don't expect anything less than perfection from this guy, love it!!!
Heart touching!
From the first time I heard this I KNEW it came from the heart... AMAZING... hauntingly beautiful. <3
Excellent song
By CapKriss
And love the fact that whole $1.29 is going to Newtown. Not one person is making any $$ off this song. Too me that's worth the download.