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Title Artist Time


  • Pretty good

    By jamwalker
    Every time a bands changes their direction fans either love it or hate it. Personally I wish they could have stuck to the same jams that were on Nomad or Germination. In my opinion, even though they have gone in a new direction I think this new "trilogy" of albums will surprise most old fans and some new fans. Still not giving up on Lotus just because they are trying a new sound.
  • Neon Tubes

    By rtin28
    Neon Tube 1&2 just have the energy that i want, from a jam band that also is quite the EDM band…just start there on this album, then let it repeat so it goes to song 1 which is Break Build Burn, it's an album that I'd suggest over and over…the more I play this for friends the more people that I'm seeing buy this album. Since no band has a "finest work" I won't call this the greatest album by Lotus, but it's an amazing album…Start with Neon Tubes 1&2.
  • Video Game Tunes

    By lucasarmstrong
    I love lotus! have ever since I first heard them in 2006. Sometimes I feel like they subconsciously have re-created the sound tract to sonic the hedgehog. Way to go guys.
  • disposable

    By Homie Azumad
    this album fits the new direction the band went in after their self titled release a couple years back. Yes, most fans miss Germination, Nomad, Sargasso. Personally, I wish they continued on the more rock influenced path they started with Hammerstrike. This sound is disposable to me. While it's fun to play at party's, I'm disappointed they're turning in to just that; party music. I could sit down with a pair of headphones and have very amazing experiences listening to pre 2011 Lotus. That's not happening with this album. 'Real Detroit Weekly' said it better than anyone else; "Build is a great addition to the collections of EDM lovers everywhere.”
  • I miss old Lotus

    By geoffman44
    I'm not saying I completely hate their new direction, but they sound more like Pretty Lights than Lotus. I miss the more funk inspired jams and the touches of electronic style they'd throw in with their older music. Now it's like too much the other way in electronic and everything else got left behind. Still more than happy to go see them live though, however their best live performances feature their older songs...so what's that tell you?
  • Awesome!

    By nicklh2
    Lotus does it again. This is a great album. Live or in their albums, they always go so hard! Great album for a seasoned lotus fan as well as new ones! Buy it!
  • This album gets five

    By nikky689
    Great album lotus never gets old lotus is the best band ever
  • LOTUS always kills it

    By Ramblin.Rose
    Buy the album, then get your hands on every live set you can. Caught most of this album live through various sets this winter - you won't be disappointed.
  • Gettin Funky as Usual- Lotus drops yet another stellar Album

    By NateFoss4
    Build is my new favorite Lotus album. This album is so solid ...all the way through. They are dialed in, and I love the new direction the last two albums have brought about. Favorites after a few listens : Middle Road, Ashcon, What did I do Wrong, Neon Tubes.
  • way to go boys!!

    By Furious with iTunes
    top notch, start to finish