I love it
By hjfhs
I gave neighborhoods a bad review. This album reminds me strongly of it. It is like a better version of neighborhoods. I love this album. Blink is fire. I like the songs on here a lot. It is different and i like it. This and neighborhoods was such an intresting version of blink. It was cool. Even though i didnt like neighborhoods this EP is crazy good. When i was young is the best song on here. Solid album from blink.
By -J.Bo
this is such a gem
By stujess
if it wasn’t for yelawolf ruining “pretty little girl”, i would have given it all 5 stars.
It’s great but....
By Yungdjentgod
Why can’t this be on Apple Music?🙁
6 years ago
By Jacup sipies
It’s 2018 now, and this album disappoints me. The 5 spectacular songs only make you want more, and that’s why I am disappointed, because this is the last music of the “real” trio and I miss them. 11/10, a wonderful EP.
By Nickelrockstar55
This is the last Blink-182 that we will all remember with Tom Delonge. The lineup that everybody misses. This EP is fantastic, and all 5 tracks are amazing! We all want this Blink-182 lineup to come back and make us this great music but, I do not think that it will happen. At least we were able to have these songs after neighborhoods came out. blink-182 is not blink-182 without Tom!!
By Blinkfan/182+44
Tom came back and ruined blink. I liked him back in 2000
More Like Blink 182 then California
By Gilbertg2016
I feel this album expresses Blink 182's real self then does their new album.
Not Too Shabby...
By Stoner2299
I've been listening since Enema and this album/EP is far better than anything they have produced in years. It's better then neighborhoods in my opinion.
When I Was Young - 8.5/10
Dogs Eating Dogs - 10/10
Disaster - 7/10
Pretty Little Girl - 6.5/10
Boxing Day - 10/10
One of my Favorites
By AllysonJB
A lot of people consider this a pitfall in Blink-182's career, but this is one of my favorite sets of theirs. It has a unique sound with deep lyrics and upbeat melodies.