Obtuse iTunes review
By Birdienumnum
The iTunes reviewer seems to have been listening with half of one ear. The harmonic and melodic textures of O'Riley are far more intricate than the New Age music of George Winston, no insult to Winston, it's like comparing apples and oranges. Riley's pieces are more on a level with Keith Jarrett. And it is insulting to classical listeners, jazz listeners, or anyone who can listen to "instrumentally limited" music "for 65 minutes straight" to think that Drake's tunes are being "smoothed over into a piano recital format . . . polite in tone . . . " etc. Perhaps the reviewer should be strapped down in a chair and made to listen to Prokofiev piano sonatas for 65 minutes, or other "numbing and precious" solo instrumenal music. While it is true that Drake's original performances are naturally going to be more direct and ideosyncratic, that doesn't negate Riley's thoughtful interpretations.