The Perfect Christmas Companion
By Karl Noelle
Cheery, happy, soft, cuddly and AMAZING are a few adjectives I'd use to describe my latest Christmas obsession <3 hats off to this wonderful group.
By cat-person29
Saw them live with Ingrid Michaelson a few weeks ago- had been expecting Kate Herzig, but very good, couldn't complain, and very, very entertaining. All great, but my favorite was Sugar Cookie. Fabulous!
Updated retro sound
By Ichbingesegnet
Saw them live with Ingrid in Knoxville....couldn't wait for this to come out! I know if you take a listen you'll be hooked as well. Hoping Trent and Amy continue their partnership in the future, and i don't think I've said too much... :-)
When you think of me...
By universal_music_lover
Saw them live with Ingrid Michaelson in Green Bay, WI - they definitely have a unique and wonderful sound. If you like She & Him, you will love this too :)
Favorite track: Sugar Cookie. <3
By SugarSnowAngel
I hope you enjoy the songs as much as we enjoyed making them. Thanks for your support! XO