Global Warming - Pitbull

Global Warming


  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2012-11-19
  • Explicitness: explicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 12

  • ℗ 2012 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment


Title Artist Time
Global Warming (feat. Sensato) Pitbull 1:25
Don't Stop the Party (feat. TJ Pitbull 3:26
Feel This Moment (feat. Christ Pitbull 3:49
Back in Time Pitbull 3:27
Hope We Meet Again (feat. Chri Pitbull 3:41
Party Ain't Over (feat. Usher Pitbull 4:03
Drinks for You (Ladies Anthem) Pitbull 3:16
Have Some Fun (feat. The Wante Pitbull 4:04
Outta Nowhere (feat. Danny Mer Pitbull 3:26
Tchu Tchu Tcha (feat. Enrique Pitbull 3:25
Last Night (feat. Havana Brown Pitbull 3:39
I'm Off That Pitbull 3:17


  • Nice Music

    By kris < 3
    Wonderful music by a wonderful and talented artist. Love just about every song and am still rocking out to it and loving every bit of it.
  • Pitbull Rocks

    By KbCheetah
    Pitbull is a great singer I like all of his music and I love the song. Feel This Moment with Christina Aguilera. That is a great song.
  • One of my favorite rappers

    By BrianSwaldi
    Up front, I'm not a huge fan of rap. I don't respect the majority of the greedy, immoral and wildly egotistical and packaged to sell image-for sale rhyming. Far too much patting themselves on their own backs for just being able to rhyme like a first grader. That being said, Pitbull is one of my more favorite rappers in a weak genre. I'm a big fan of his voice and I love his songs with a more Cubano/Miami/Summer vibe. Those songs, making up a smaller poriton of his catalog, are by far his best tunes. When it gets hot out and i'm in the mood for some summer jams, Pitbull starts to get more air-time on my Ipod. And some of the party anthems on this album are obviously pretty good-to-great. Those are just a small part of this album, however. There's plenty of issues with this one. Global Warming is definitely a "cherry-pick" sort of album. My biggest issue is the same problem I have with everything Pitbull does. Though i love his voice, i can't stand his constant habit of self-giggling. Dude laughs at himself like every 20 seconds in every single song. Just non-stop "hahahaha." He could be a drinking game for Pete's sake. It's the Pitbull version of Shaggy's even more annoying habit of constantly telling us his name. Take that giggle-fest away and he'd probably be my favorite rap artist. Some of the lyrics and imagery are too frequent and annoying also. Also like Shaggy, i wish he didn't feel the need to constantly tell us his self-invented and completely stupid moniker "Mr. Worldwide" followed usually by a giggle. It's a shameless and commercialized attempt to brand himself and only feeds the money-grubbing feel that i hate about rap. And, in that vein, can we just stop bragging about "I get/got money"? It was such a tired cliche in rap for about 15 years now. Why exactly does claiming that help sell records? It's usually not Pit's performance that makes a track garbage, it's everything else like the instrumentals and weak featured performances. Some of the songs have way too much techno/electronic noise. I get that the grating powertool sound is in right now, but it just ruins otherwise good songs and obscures his great vocals. Perfect case in point, the song Have Some Fun is completely destroyed by that fake club sound that reminds me of some sweaty fat person sliding off of a leather couch. The last insult with this album is that the best song on the version i downloaded isn't even included here. Echa Palla is leaps and bounds better than anything else related to Global Warming. I love it. It's my favorite Pitubll tune. I'm hoping for dozens more songs like it. The stats without Echa Palla are pretty weak. There's one 4 star song in Don't Stop the Party. It's the only other really strong track. There's one 3 star song in Back in Time and one 2 star song. The rest are all throwaways. And this is one of my favorite rappers. That just goes to show you how little regard i have for the genre.
  • Mr

    By Mohamadhosein
  • Won't let me play

    By Agnieszka Skubik
    Most songs won't let me play them
  • O ya!

    By Mlpqazbhu
    Best song EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get it!!!!!!
  • Awesome! Except…..

    By Spencer1212
    Tchu Tchu Tcha is edited… This is the explicit version, so.. i'm confused...
  • hope is great

    By Watz upppp
    i hope isas good as planet pit

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