By gjacobsen
These are D-sides. I've been a big RHCP fan for many years (20+) but, c'mon, call a spade a spade. Most of the "I'm With You" B-Sides are not good songs, let alone good RHCP songs. That's why they didn't make the album. Some comments below cite the experimental quality of this set. To that I offer one word: LACKLUSTER I wish I could send these back. These ones made me angry.
RHCP forever
By jupiterjazzer
I had my doubts about Josh taking up John's legacy, but these singles show that Josh really does mesh well with the rest of the band. I can't wait to hear more new stuff by them!
By Johnny phairplay
Both song sound strange at first, but that's why they are both such amazing songs. Personally, I think Hometown Gypsy is one of the best songs that I have ever heard.
By Pocket8888
B Sides? Whatever you have to call them, I'm glad I've got the chance to experience them. Some of the most creative stuff I've heard in a while. Chili Peppers, you already know... Keep up the good work! Really love the jams on Hometown Gypsy! Almost sounds like there's some Johnny Cash grooves in there!
Shut It!
By I hate gypsies
"Hometown", spare us your simple minded crap. You must be a simpleton for liking this garbage. There is no beauty in this, only filth.
Hometown Gypsy. RHCP
By Mr Wallet
Only a small minded person could not understand the beauty in this song! :)
This is not music. Some of the worst music
By david024
The twang of the songs is not the band of the 90's. This is painful to listen to.
By Pepper Me
What the hell was that Anthony??? Flea, Chad are you seriously on board with this non-sense??? If your a fan or became one during the Californication, by the way, or Stadium Arcadium years, then dont even bother. Im so disappointed. To top it off John has gone off the deep end creating some weird electronic crap as well. I dearly miss the RHCP that stole my heart and soul. So disappointed lately.
By kajsdfkljakls;dfj;alskdjf
Anthony blows my mind once again. Best vocals ive heard for awhile!
A sides are Good, But B SIdes are great!
By pfarewell
The Sunset Sleeps is going to be one of those songs that has to grow on you. Hometown Gypsy is great! It is different than any other Chili Peppers song that I've heard. I've already listened to it several times and combined along with Long Progression and Love of Your Life these b sides could have replaced several songs on I'm with you.