Between the Shores of Our Souls - Mirabai Ceiba

Between the Shores of Our Souls

Mirabai Ceiba

  • Genre: Worldwide
  • Release Date: 2012-10-02
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 10

  • ℗ 2012 Spirit Voyage Records


Title Artist Time
Between the Shores of Your Sou Mirabai Ceiba 3:44
Ocean of My Dreams Mirabai Ceiba 4:32
Become My Life Mirabai Ceiba 3:06
Inside the Majesty Mirabai Ceiba 4:07
La Luna Mirabai Ceiba 4:31
El Instante Eterno Mirabai Ceiba 4:52
Love Writes Mirabai Ceiba 3:14
Tells the Clouds to Weep Mirabai Ceiba 2:50
Breeze at Dawn Mirabai Ceiba 4:37
Burn of the Heart Mirabai Ceiba 4:59


  • From MainlyPiano

    By KathyPiano7
    "Between the Shores of Our Souls" is the tenth release from the duo Mirabai Ceiba, and I have to admit that this is the first of their music I’ve heard. After five or six spins through this CD, I also have to admit that I’m hooked. This is some of the gentlest, most refreshing vocal music I’ve ever heard. Mirabai Ceiba consists of Angelika Baumbach, an American-born singer/songwriter who also performs on piano, harp, harmonium, and singing bowls, and East German-born Markus Sieber who composed most of the music, sings, and plays guitars. They are backed by an impressive list of musicians who play drums and percussion, acoustic and electric strings, trumpet, keyboards, electric guitar, ukulele, and tambour. The lyrics for most of the ten songs are based on poetry by Rumi and Khalil Gibran and are sung in English and Spanish. Baumbach’s voice is light and airy yet deeply passionate, giving the songs warmth as well as substance. Sieber’s voice carries feelings of great sensitivity and tenderness. A duo in life as well as in their music, everything about their music rings true - especially the emotions conveyed. Despite the number of musicians involved, the production is subtle and uncluttered, focusing on the beauty of the voices and the words. From the stunning cover artwork to the last note of the music, this album is just about perfect! “Between the Shores of Your Souls” begins the album and sets the mood with both voices, guitar, muted trumpet, and keyboard washes. It only took about ten seconds into this song for me to realize I was listening to something really special. “Ocean of My Dreams,” “Become My Life,” and “Inside the Majesty” are based on poems by Rumi, expressing deep love of a more spiritual nature. Most of the accompaniment is acoustic guitar, but there are subtle strings and atmospheric keyboard that underscore the simplicity of the music and the words. “La Luna” is a favorite. The lyrics for this song come from an ancient Zen poem and are sung in Spanish by Angelika with a compelling mix of childlike wonder and earthy passion - this one gets me every time! “Breeze At Dawn” is gently haunting, promising secrets if you don’t go back to sleep. The last track, “Burn of the Heart,” smolders passionately - simply and directly - with more instrumentation than most of the songs, trailing off at the end and closing with a sigh. This is good stuff, and I can guarantee I’ll be checking out more of Mirabai Ceiba’s previous releases! "Between the Shores of Our Souls" is certain to be one of my favorites for the year! Very highly recommended!
  • Review except from Music and Media Focus

    By MDiamond
    Described as “a beautiful blend of Kundalini Yoga mantra, sacred chants and world music,” the sound of Mirabai Ceiba is a uniquely cross-cultural experience on a number of levels. Their latest album, Between The Shores Of Our Souls, also includes inspirational lyrics based on the poetry of Rumi and Kahlil Gibran. The album’s subtitle, “Songs of Love and Longing,” bears witness to the focus of their creative endeavors. It also expresses the energy that resonates between the two principle people in the group, Angelika Baumbach and Markus Sieber, who are a couple from different worlds brought together by fate. In addition to Angelika’s ethereal vocals, harp, piano, harmonium, and singing bowls, blending with the equally haunting vocals and guitar of Markus, they have expanded their artistic and cultural inclusivity even more with a host of world-renowned musicians on a variety of instruments. The vocal synergy of Markus and Angelika is breathtaking as they merge in blissful harmony on the title track, which opens the album. Their heavenly vocals are set against a soundscape of acoustic guitar, strings, bass, and subtle percussion. Ambient trumpet wafts through the air like smoke from burning incense, scenting the air with its fragrance. The words of Gibran inspire and entreat us to: “Let your love be like the moving sea between the shores of your souls, let the winds of heaven dance between you.” The first of the two songs in Spanish is “La Luna,” whose lyrics, interestingly enough, come from an ancient Zen poem. Although I don’t speak the language, I felt like I connected with its essence, which was conveyed in Angelika’s softly sensual singing. I particularly liked the subtle Latin influence in the rhythm and the soulful cello in counterpoint with plucked harp later in the piece. On a number of the songs, including “Become My Life,” “Tell The Clouds To Weep,” and “Burn Of The Heart,” all with lyrics by Rumi, Markus takes the lead on vocals. His voice has a unique almost-whispered quality, which is both soft and strong that works perfectly in this context, either on its own or in unison with Angelika. His gentle finger-style guitar playing is an integral element in the alchemy of Mirabai Ceiba’s sound. I must say that the level of musicianship by the supporting players is quite impressive as well. The duo has surrounded themselves with a stellar cast who make these luminous compositions shine even more brightly. The music of Mirabai Ceiba is enchanting, and I genuinely enjoyed every song on the album.
  • Another beautiful Cd of Mirabai Ceiba

    By Fangorico
    I have few of their Cds and they are all great. This one is new Cd with more relaxing music. It is so beautiful. I dont get tired of listening to this Cd over and over. It takes me to a better place and melts my anxiety. Thanks to Mirabai Ceiba for this wonderful Cd.!
  • Amazing

    By Elienne
    Soothing, sweet. This musical duo never fails to calm my heart. Brilliant album!

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