Hi hayley!
By Minecraftfinest AEJSFB_6
Hai friend! I found your songs on iTunes so I hired I'd buy some. ❤🎸🎹
By Meg's Jack Rusells
Haley brings forth a powerful message through every single masterpiece she creates with a lovely voice. Absolutely amazing.👏
Tribe Message
By Father/Husban/Brother
I am not what you call a folk fan, often the message is not clear and the sound is often lost. But I heard a voice that makes me take all of my precived notions and thoughts and dumps them on there head. The voice of Hayley Reardon.
She has a sound that can be shared and needs to be shared with both our daughters and sons. Her words are written for all of us, with hurt and empowerment. Not to listen to them is well just wrong. To share them is a gift, as she is!
Her words are for us all, give this to your father, setpfather, uncal, grandfather or friend and they will understand (and maybe remember) the hurt the pain and the energy that it takes to grow up. Sometimes we just need to be reminded that there is no part of growing up that is easy. I still grow in different ways each day, I need to keep my mind and hart open.
The world is a scarry place and we need to stop and let one another know it's ok to different. Hayley Reardon does this in her disarming hit you from behind, did she just say what I thought she said manner.
Buy her music and share!
By SheilaBarton
So good :')
By Aubrey Turner
she came to my school today<3 she is amazing I love her :)
This song
By Mears Student Jacob
Hey I just would like to say I love this song so much and thanks for coming to our school and singing for us I love you so much