For the Haters
By Staley L.
The RHCP just dropped I'm with you, A little over one year later they put out these two song releases, which if put together it would of been a great CD, now The RHCP are one of the very few bands that were awful when they were junked out, ever since they got clean there is no stopping them, I'm sorry Freaky Stylie HORRIBLE....... They have the greatest bass player alive, an amazing drummer, and a great guitarist, now A.K. is such a great singer/song writer he knows he doesn't have that overpowering voice like Keenan or Chino or Serj, but he does everything he can do to perfection , oh by the way there going on 30 years together , and still making amazing music not like a band ....... Like Metallica, RHCP I hope you guys have another CD for us in the future....
Dear #1 reviewer
By jupiterjazzer
What the hell is wrong with you? Magpies in fire is straight out of the RHCP vein. Billy Corgan once said in an interview that he did enjoy when fans asked to hear old songs, but if they don't care to hear the new stuff, and to see them progress, then there's no point to him writing music. The chili peppers have never lost a step. They evolve, but into another beautiful bird. I love their old stuff as well, but don't dis the new stuff
By tonysanchez993
I want back the Red Hot's of the 90's
These b-sides were a great idea!
By Musiclover!Whatever.
I thought it was such an interesting idea releasing 9 sets of b-sides rather than releasing a full album. I love the fact that they are on vinyl! These two songs are exeptionally great! The bass rocks and Anthony's vocals are in good shape ecspecially in Magpies on Fire.
By Bunnycharrouf
I love Red Hot Chili Peppers For life, and this album just inspires me to listen to more Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
By Gman895
It's decent I guess, but compared to the first set (and RHCP's usual quality of music), this is pretty bad. When I first started "VIctorian Machinery," I thought it had a really new and great sound. I enjoyed it more and more as it went on, and then all of a sudden the absolutely horrid… "chorus", I guess, started. I couldn't believe it was something that Anthony had written. It sounded like the most generic and ridiculous lyrics I'd ever heard, going along with a melody I would expect from some radio pop group. It ruined the whole song for me, and now I can barely listen to it. This effectively ruined my mood, so I started listening to "Magpies on Fire" with a pretty pessimistic expectation. I'm admitting that I didn't give Magpies much of a chance, but the more I listen to it, the more it grows on me. it saves the day in my opinion, which is why I gave the singles a 3 star.
Don't get me wrong, I love RHCP; the problem is their music has attained a certain pedigree of greatness, and this single falls far below it. If you want to see RHCP doing what we've come to adore, get the first singles collection. Or "magpies" on its own. Or Stadium Arcadium. Or BSSM. Or Freaky Styley. Or By the Way. Or ANYTHING ELSE.
These B sides are crazy good
By craniac headstrong
I haven't purchased the entire new album but at $1.99 you can't go wrong. All four of the B-sides are excellent! True Peppers fans buy them now. These four song are as good as anything they've released and they're new!
Magpie On Fire / Victorian Machinery
By fitman30
Red Hot Chili Peppers Spicy
By Nick Suarez
These songs obviously wouldntve made it on the album. Magpies on fire is beautiful, but not life changing. The One Hot Minute/By the Way orgy Victorian Machinery wouldnt have made it o the albumif there were only 10 songs. Its not that their bad songs. Its just not great. Although i probably wouldve replaced Happiness loves company and even you brutus with Magpies and Strange Man. But i need to hear the rest of the outtakes to make a descision.
Completely Lame
By Funk Bass
They should have quit after Stadium Arcadium. They are clearly too old to have the energy to be creative and harness the funk rock that made them who they are. They're just doing exactly what the producers tell them to do at this point, because it is what sells best to the mainstream idiots who think they know music, but clearly do not, given their horrible taste. Anyone who was actually a fan since the beginning would realize this. They have not evolved; they've just gotten old and no longer have the energy to put a lot of effort and creativity into the songwriting. Like I said, its likely more of them just doing what the producers are telling them to because they're too old and tired to do otherwise. Its a shame. They really should have quit after stadium arcadium, the last album where the music was still good. I guess they really just want the money at this point.