So Good.
By Chester1216
I was of course a fan of Bringing down the horse...but not much more. Kind of got out of them and randomly picked them up. This album is amazing and brought me back as a fan. It is a complete album. Every song stands alone and still comes together as a whole package. Trust me...give this bluesy- roots-rock-soul album a chance and you will be Glad All Over.
Best band going and best new album!
By wildwise
The Wallflowers never disappoint! I doubt there is a better songwriter out there than Jakob Dylan. The new album offers some of the sound we love from the band on songs like "Love is a Country" as well as some interesting new directions on songs like "Hospital for Sinners" and the "Big Audio Dynamite" sounding "Reboot the Mission". Rock and roll is alive and well with the Wallflowers!
Just a True Classic…Amazing!
By tphedley
They have been around forever and still manage to create incredible original music. Listening to the entire album right now :)
Been waiting for this!!
By fangsxup
A bit different, but still great. The Wallflowers will always be classic to me. When I first saw the video for Reboot the Mission I was so impressed. Definitely a stand out track. Just shows how they're progressing and still making great music!!
Still got it
By Alexander The Great X
Been listening to this all week and its great to see The Wallflowers still putting out great albums. Jakob Dylan really does have an amazing voice.
Best album I have heard in years!
By Ronin789
The Wallflowers are back!
Glad All Over
By fitman30
Wallflower Amazing
Back with even more inspiration
By Kenneth Briones
The Wallflowers have been the best since their first album. Glad All Over makes me feel glad all over by listening to this amazing new album. It's worth the price.
Been Waiting for This!
By KSilver
Fantastic! I prefer the rockin' selections as opposed to more moody ones.
Welcome back!!
By tinml2003
A true comeback if there ever was one. Fantastic songs & production.