fiction- 林宥嘉
By 앨리7
I listened to this album yesterday and I am absolutely crazy about it. I have listened to his other albums which are also amazing, but this is one of those albums where you have to love every song on it.
I read that the album's 10 songs are arranged like chapters of a novel! That is so interesting, and I'd love to get into it more, but my Chinese skills are rather crappy. In fact, I would donate a kidney to get a translation of the whole thing.
What I love is that every song has a very distinct personality. There are ballads, there is pop and rhythm and blues and rock. This guy can do so many things! I am hooked on "Lure" and "Romeo and Juliet Syndrome" always gives me shivers at the end. The more times you hear "Saturday Night Fright", the more you love it. "Unrequited" makes me want to cry although I can barely understand it!
What I'm saying is that you should listen to each song on the album and try to comprehend what the big picture is. I am still trying to figure it out. (It's just hard because I don't speak Chinese.) But I wonder what other people think who understand the lyrics better. The music sounds very beautiful.. Yoga Lin surpassed my expectations, which were high to begin with, in Fiction. (I wonder why it's called Fiction…)
----Also, forgot to mention my only disappointment with this.. It's that Track 3- Romeo and Juliet Syndrome (越反越愛) doesn't have the minute-long speaking section at the end that Yoga does in the music video. I really love that part..