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Title Artist Time


  • Rush

    By champ8225
    Greatest band in Rock history… by far
  • One of their best

    By RR55!
    Huge Rush fan my whole life, it’s an impossible task to pick a favorite album. But this one is without a doubt one of their best. The Garden is just a special, special song to me. How does a band have the journey they did for 40+ years and finish with one of their best works?? Mind boggling!
  • Lyrical and technical masterpiece

    By 1rushfan
    While I was impressed by Caravan, BU2B, and Headlong Flight...nothing could have prepared me for the soaring imagery and musical diversity of the other tracks on this album. All of them contain parts that pull at my heart the ways that Time Stand Still and Middletown Dreams did when I first heard them. All of them also contain parts that make me even further (hardly possible) appreciate the amalgamation of skill upon talent upon creativeness upon mastery of making more than music...but a feeling that only visits my soul when Rush is on my radio. The Wreckers might be the best Rush song since Red Barchetta. Congratulations to the boys for bringing us another (and possibly last?) fantastic addition to the already greatest catalog of music known to man!
  • Rush Clockwork Angles

    By mrputerz
    Simply stated - if it were possible to exceed my expectations from Rush- they did it... One of the greatest Rush accomplishments... Really unbelievable sounding albums I've ever heard. 5 stars - favorite song do far? The Garden. I'd say rock on, but I'll say it, RUSH on....