Johnny Cash
By Cashaholic
Johnny Cash madse some of the most seminal American music of the last 200 years. When he sang, he spoke for the nation. The heartbeat of America pulsed through his chugging, boom-chicka-boom rhythms. He sang of prisoners, working men and women, and history. We believed him because his voice was authentic - when he sang of hobos, he sounded like if he wasn't living in a hobo camp right then, he couldn't have been gone more than half an hour from there; when he sang of prisons, the ache of his voice told us there might not be bars on his prison, but he felt walled in. But when he sang og God and his faith, his was the most authentic of all. He was the repenent sinner, the man who stumbled but always seemed to find grace. Johnny Cash may have been at his most believable, world weary best when he sang gospel songs and these may be his greatest gospel songs. Here is an American master singing to and for his God. Being allowed to listen in will make your own load a little lighter and your faith a little stronger.