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Title Artist Time


  • Great Album !

    By Alien chili cheese
    This album is classic Ace Rock & is great ! This album is right up there next to his KISS solo album for being the best he has put out, then " Frehley's Comet " the rest are so-so
  • Pop?

    By Russell Wright
    This is rock. Are you crazy iTunes, no where near pop
  • It's slammin !!!

    By Soberboi
    Highly under rated album. First track "Shot Full Of Rock" is one of the best tunes of Ace's entire solo career. This album is super cohesive and a real showcase of what Ace is capable of. Sonically, you can hear that much studio time was invested in the making of this record, and lyrically it stands miles above anything Ace has done to date. It wasn't the best time promotionally for Ace and it's sad because this album could have been a real game changer for him. Highly recommend !!!!
  • Do Ya Smokes

    By Lone Star Rocker
    This album is okay, not great but it gets an extra star for the remake of the ELO classic Do Ya. He does justice to the original, which most bands cannot do. Trouble Walkin' is the only other standout track on here however. There is no way anything else here can be considered epic to earn it 5 stars.
  • Reply

    By listener I
    I agree with Starfox80. This is not pop; you need to put this into rock. Ace is and will always be a rock and roll musician, how this got put into pop, I really don't know. I've been listening to Ace since I was five years old. He is my favorite guitarist of all time. No worries I-tunes, just make sure you know who it is that you're putting into what genre, I've noticed a lot of rock being put into pop, it's all good, nothing personal against pop musicians, just make sure you do your homework. Ace is a ROCK icon. Love this album, one of the best from Ace's solo career.
  • ace frehley.

    By rockin rob M.
    im a kiss fan. so it works for me. i loved it back in the 80's and still do.
  • Great!!!!

    By Acefrehley12000
    It was his best until anomaly came out! Not counting his KISS solo album
  • Fractured III

    By 02T
    A good album overall, but truly lifted to greatness by the closing instrumental, "Fractured III." This features one of Ace's all time greatest solos, and is criminally underrated.
  • Ace Frehley Rocks!!

    By Gaga Lamb
    A must have for any Ace Frehley or KISS fan!!!