1 |
Alleluia, Sing To Jesus (Compi |
The Countdown Kids |
2:20 |
2 |
Lift High The Cross (Compilati |
The Countdown Kids |
1:48 |
3 |
The King Of Love My Shepherd I |
The Countdown Kids |
1:21 |
4 |
Christ Is Made The Sure Founta |
The Countdown Kids |
1:31 |
5 |
Shall We Gather At The River ( |
The Countdown Kids |
1:55 |
6 |
Lead On O King (Compilation) |
The Countdown Kids |
1:34 |
7 |
O Sacred Head (Compilation) |
The Countdown Kids |
1:08 |
8 |
Let All Things Now Living (Com |
The Countdown Kids |
2:04 |
9 |
Spring Up O Well (Compilation) |
The Countdown Kids |
1:59 |
10 |
Dona Nobis Pacem (Compilation) |
The Countdown Kids |
1:35 |
11 |
There Is A Balm In Gilead (Com |
The Countdown Kids |
2:16 |
12 |
I Heard The Voice Of Jesus (Co |
The Countdown Kids |
2:40 |
13 |
When Morning Gilds The Skies ( |
The Countdown Kids |
1:29 |
14 |
Blessed Feasts (Compilation) |
The Countdown Kids |
1:46 |
15 |
Come, Ye Faithful, Raise The S |
The Countdown Kids |
1:10 |
16 |
Do, Lord, Remember Me (Compila |
The Countdown Kids |
1:54 |
17 |
All Glory, Laud And Honor (Com |
The Countdown Kids |
1:46 |
18 |
I Will Enter His Gates (Compil |
The Countdown Kids |
1:47 |
19 |
Were You There (Compilation) |
The Countdown Kids |
1:25 |
20 |
All People That On Earth Do Dw |
The Countdown Kids |
1:11 |
21 |
Onward Christian Soldiers (Com |
The Countdown Kids |
2:13 |
22 |
Praise And Thanksgiving (Compi |
The Countdown Kids |
2:45 |
23 |
This Is My Father's World (Com |
The Countdown Kids |
2:31 |