Musical Genius!!!
By without a fight
Every song, not from just this album but every single song, is so meaningful and deep and given with so much passion and feeling! They are able to draw you in and make you feel it too... Like you are right there with them. I wish I would've discovered them sooner! I'm ashamed to say, and I oh so regret, having only known them by what was played on the radio over the years.... Because they are sooooo much more than that. The Toadies go down as one of my favorite all time bands ever!!
They Haven’t Made a Bad One Yet
By Brando1985
I was a little late to the game. I only really started listening to The Toadies about 3 years ago, and I’ve bought every CD since, this one being the last. I can honestly say that I’ve enjoyed every single album and almost every song. This one is no exception. It’s truly a rare quality for a band to have that ability.
Starcross88 is a fraud.
By Ggozzo
He/she has posted on the other albums on the same date. These newer Toadies albums are mediocre at best. D+ to C-, hence the lack of success. Glad the are still kicking, but none of these compare to Rubberneck. Almost every song on Rubberneck was great.
By hondo923
Dam good Album!!
Lost Gem
By Starcross88
Thanks Toadies for bringing this lost Gem out of the caverns for the fans!