Banquet - Single - Bloc Party

Banquet - Single

Bloc Party

  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2005-03-15
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 1

  • ℗ 2005 Bloc Party under exclusive license to Vice Music, Inc. for the United States, Can


Title Artist Time
Banquet Bloc Party 3:16


  • this song

    By the supermim
    Bloc party in my opinion is the greates band ever and this is their magnum opus. the drum beat is amazing and the lyrics are great. they transition into the different parts extremely smoothly and their sound is just amazing
  • Are you kidding me?

    By rudirudirudi
    Who would waste money on this crap?
  • Very Good

    By stephboog73
    One of Bloc Party's memorable songs. The guitar line is very catchy and innovative. Though I wish there was more of a bass line and the backround echoes in the beginning of the song are not my taste.
  • great song!

    By skater7282
    This is an amazing song. Corey Sheppard skates to it in Blind's What If and it sounds great.
  • Great Song

    By Demieth
    This is an awesome song with a good beat, good for parties and stuff. Probably their best song made.
  • Great song but ok lyrics

    By seano1775
    It is great except for the lyrics
  • freaky man!!!!

    By That1chicky
    has anyone noticed that te guy on the far right in the fronts head is turned around completely?!?!?!?! please someone tell me its fake cuz it is REALLY freaking me out!!!!!
  • SWEETNESS!!!!!!!

    By Sithlord123
    this is the best song in the entire world! [my opinion] it is one of the only song's that bloc party has that isn't EXPLICIT. i have a game that is called ssx on your and they have this song that is where i became a offcial banquet-addict.
  • this song rocks

    By snopro
    This is one of the best songs. i listen to it all the time when i'm snowboarding. it pumps you up so much. anyone who doesnt like this song is just wierd.
  • You'll want to Set this song to repeat!

    By bbbng
    A band I just discovered and glad I did! Great song to run or bike to. The beat makes you want to keep on goinon truckin'. Love the sound, reminiscent of some tunes from the eighties. Perfect Summer song, a bit of ska and reggae in there.

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