By Chill Collins
Is my theme song
Mr Oizo = Sheer Art
By The Undeniable Greenjacket
I remember when I first started listening to Mr Oizo. I saw comments on how no one understood his way. I dare say he is a big of an innovator as Aphex Twin. This album shows that Oizo can get stranger and still rock hard. Mr. Oizo is now my crack cocaine.
Continues to Impress
By Kroller
Mr. Oizo has always been one with a penchant for the slightly off. His blending of breakbeat, electro, and house always have a slightly paranoid tinge to it. Stade 2 is no different than his last works, thank God, because nobody can do what he does. His odd synth leads are all infused with grit, his drums pounding, and his samples and song titles reflect a sort of lowbrow humor that makes his music that much more fun and loose. Overall, an excellent effort by Mr. Oizo. Keep it up!
Mr. Oizo do it again
By Fisgt2001
Awesome cd.... this is so weird, but cool!
By WilmaCal
Great album as always, but I thought iTunes censored swear words in song titles? Well, looking at Mr. Oizo's past stuff, obviously not.
Everybody Dance Now
By Lira Ratushnyak
Beardy french master at his best. Weird, abstract, experimental.
I don't know what it is exactly, but I love it!
By Mason Pince
sex and party and fun