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Title Artist Time


  • Wow!!!

    By Arkham guy
    This is great
  • You won't be disappointed...

    By Todd_B
    Long time KT fan, and this is their best work so far. Free's lyrics and vocals have really developed nicely on this EP. Can't wait for more from them!
  • Buy from thier website.

    By Jaybee1988
    Great lyrics and chilling-dance melody with some electro-funk. I think its an improvement from thier last album, Trypt0fanatic. I finally felt that Kidneythieves vibe from thier songs 'The Invisible Plan', 'F 2the F', and 'Underneath'. I did nod off to 'Never and Me', however, not the best of all tracks, but kept a good beat. Lastly, the song that blew me away is 'Floating Angels'. I think this song is one of their best out of all tracks. It is written beautifully, and the sound synced well with it. I recommened buying their CD from their website since they offer an accoustic version of 'Floating Angels' which sounds even more beautiful. I'll give it 4 out of 5 stars. Keep up the good work.
  • Best work to date

    By DIY23
    I have to say that The Invisible Plan is some of the band's best work to date. It's much more contemporary sonically and breaks out from the old formula that fans are familiar with. It definitely sounds like they are bridging the gap for the next release…with only 5 tracks, it leaves me wanting more. Underneath - the final track - feels more like a mid-way point to something else that is coming along the way.
  • Awesome!

    By Yggcdryhvfoap
    I think more than any other KT album, this one really took me a few listens to really get into. I immediately loved the title track, but the rest were a little eh, until I listened more and more. Definitely a phenomenal group of songs, and probably my favorite album after zerospace.
  • Really like it

    By Erin Megna Marshall
    Not sure why some people are saying this EP isn't good...... I think it's some of the best music they've put out in a while, honestly. Really enjoying it. EPs are always kind of fun, anyhow.
  • Amazing

    By Robert Carney
    This is one of the better albums I have heard in a long time!