Possibly why they decided to re-record
By pod4477
I was wondering why they would re-record the old songs off of their self-titled album. Then I read that they got a new guitarist so that must be the reason they decided to go back and re-record. I think it was a good idea but the end result has less energy, over-polished, and less tempo. The originals are amazing though, along with Trapt's new cd 'Reborn' that's coming out this month!
By Stealer13
the original versions take me back
By Jkpromiss
you just can't quite recreate that epic first album, the vibe isn't the same..I don't know why you'd want to anyway, it's perfect just the way it is
I'm still a huge fan and No Apologies was a great album
By alex7wood
After all these years and several albums later, TRAPT still has that original sound they started with. This "re-recorded" album is a testament to their longevity and as for the future, I say "BRING IT!"
Well Done!
By NiTe—Echo
Extremely underrated band! This is one of my favorite albums. Other than the remixes, I thought their sound sounds more mature and has a fuller sound. It would of been neat to see them pick a few songs from each album and re record them.
Return of Trapt!
By Dondachakka
16 year old me is stoked about this!!
The re-records are great, but I'm most excited about the old demo's!! Keep rocking!
I want the old Trapt back
By 2hottC
I'm still giving this album 4 stars because the songs are great. I still prefer the originals of all of them though. I hope this isn't a sign of what is to come in the future cause I will be disappointed, as I was with Only Through the Pain. They need to stick to what made them great; catchy, hard nosed, well written rock.
By beau3501
Buy! Buy! Great album!!!!
By Lucie Tran
Trapt is obviously going on the right track. A few songs in and i'm addicted! The band did a remarkable job and fans won't be disappointed!
best of the best
By rj32111
buy this now!!!!!!!!