With Wings - Single - Amy Stroup

With Wings - Single

Amy Stroup

  • Genre: Singer/Songwriter
  • Release Date: 2011-08-30
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 1

  • ℗ 2011 milkglass


Title Artist Time
With Wings Amy Stroup 4:36


  • Great song ... NOT stolen!

    By ploodie
    I don't know what DVS10 is on ... maybe he/she is just trying to get attention. This is not a stolen song at all. The melody isn't remotely like FADE INTO YOU. Out of the entire song, there is one line - ONE line - that is taken from that song: "I LOOK TO YOU AND I SEE NOTHING, I LOOK TO YOU TO SEE TRUTH." That isn't "stealing a song" - that's a quotation. Assuming she even took it directly from the song, she obviously did so because she likes the song and has some reason for incorporating this line from it. But it isn't "stealing the song" anymore than Spielberg showing toys from Star Wars in the movie E.T. constitutes stealing the storyline from Star Wars.
  • Stolen song, different title...

    By dvs10
    While the song is good, it sounded really familiar, so googled the lyrics and imagine my surprise when I discovered they're from a song called Fade Into You! Amy Stroup basically stole the song Fade Into You by Mazzy Star, slowed it down and added the lyrics "with wings" to it. If she wanted to cover the song, she should have just kept the original title and left it at that. It's bs that she goes and changes the title and pawns it off as her own. Most of the lyrics are exactly the same. Amy Stoup should be ashamed to pretend this is an original work...going the way of vanilla ice are we, stealing from other artists and changing it a little, adding a new title? Ridiculous.