N.I.C.E. - Single - Chino XL

N.I.C.E. - Single

Chino XL

  • Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
  • Release Date: 2011-08-17
  • Explicitness: explicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 1

  • ℗ 2011 Chino XL


Title Artist Time
N.I.C.E. Chino XL 4:16


  • Chino XL

    By Guerrilla X
    The illest of da illest lyrically we all feelin' dis... Chino XL is untouchable!!! - Guerrilla X
  • Chino does it again

    By Ballers.Opinion
  • He's awesome!

    By NotForHire
    I had to rewind the track ample amount of times cuz I missed so much! Amazingness
  • Jesus returns

    By Jimmy Diapers
    There is not one MC, dead or living, that can touch Chino XL and he is proving it once again with this one. Hurry up and drop the new record!
  • Lyrical Jesus

    By JoshInCali
    There is no match for his lyrical genius. You can't listen to this song just once and say you've got it. Can't wait for RICANstruction album to drop.
  • No surprise.

    By punchstudent
    No surprise that this song is a burner. chino has been a monster since the 90's. My only question is, why was it so long since poison pen?! Anxious 4 the new album. Stop pushing it back & release it already.
  • N.I.C.E!!!!!

    By PeterParker20
    The track Is the epitome of what Hip-Hop should be!
  • Incredible

    By jake674
    Some of the best lyricism I ever heard in a song, can't wait for Ricanstructon!
  • One of the most under rated in the game

    By Cappaccinodagreat
    Anyone who is a fan of hip hop lyricism needs to check for this single, actually, you need to listen to all of Chino's previous releases also. Like he does so often, he proves to be a beast on the track. The beat is decent, but Chino overshadows most beats because you are paying so much attention to the lyrics........ trying to keep up, wondering what he just said and what he will say next. Seriously, how can you call yourself hip hop and not already know how Chino XL gets down? He continues to spit venom and vengence with a bravado you have to respect. Hated on by many, but still doing his thing. Chino's releases come at an irregular pace, so its a rare treat when we get to enjoy them. Give a listen to the entire Rebel Armz family if you are a lyrical fan. Thumbs up to the Puerto Rican Superhero!