Swag - Single - David Banner

Swag - Single

David Banner

  • Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
  • Release Date: 2011-08-09
  • Explicitness: explicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 1

  • ℗ 2011 b.i.G. f.a.c.e. Ent


Title Artist Time
Swag David Banner 3:33


  • Listen to the lyrics

    By Evee612
    If u take time and listen to it...he's actually droppin knowledge. One of the few artist that speak the truth.
  • SwagLikeABoss

    By cameron knapp
    Next big song
  • SWOG

    By Notreally000000
    If you have to repeat the word swag over and over again to tell everyone "you have it", you actually have SWOG. This is terrible. And so is that word. As well as everyone who says it. Douches.
  • great

    By Newkidzontheblock93
    this is what up
  • Trash

    By djnoflo865
    throw this in the garbage where it belongs. no effort was put into the making of this. just a lame cover and sat down for 45 min and wrote the song so they can upload it and make $$$ on it. this isn't music
  • Dumb

    By sukmahbigaznutz
    Oceans22, YOU are the problem. You can't even listen to the song long enough to realize what it's about. You're just another fake.
  • What is this?

    By Tellintails
    I like Banner but this sounds nothing like him and this beats lame. Sounds like he sold out.
  • wow!

    By Horsetit
    great rap song .....................................woe.......................................wha......................................go0..............your...........good.............................song
  • Rep da sippi

    By Stanford Brookshire
    That's the David Banner I know!!!!! Real talk
  • Terrible. Why? VVV

    By RenaultCarey
    I'm so sick of these lil' kids saying swag and stunting. Please, try and acquire some actual swag, kiddos. As for this song... Refer to the stars.

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