Just Supurb Johnny
By RedRavenSounds
Johnny has always rocked my blues world, and "Roots"is John Dawson Winter III at his very best. I have "Get Back" and this is a wonderful prelude to his last album. I can tell you that as a female blues musician, Johnny is an inspiration to me. Now that he has gone over, I hear him whislpering in my ear - Cut loose girl! And I do. I get my slide, close my eyes and rip it up. One crazy blues jam goin on in heaven now, with Johnny, Stevie, Muddy, the Kings and all the other blues cats.... I'll be there bye and bye, but till I do, I'll be listeng to Roots. 5 Stars plus.
By Little Feat Fanatic
R.I.P. Johnny, you were a true original.
The Best!!!!
By DaisyJ2222
Love Johnny
By Uncle Elijah
For how old Johnny Winter is (his debut was released in 1968), he sure hasn't forgotton how to jam with his guitar and some new friends. On "Roots", Johnny is back and playing his influences with his special style. This album includes many outside artists but Johnny is still leading the jams. You should really check this out if you like the blues at all. It proves that the blues can still be played in this decade with emotion and style. This is much better than what Eric Clapton is doing these days, Clapton's 2013 album "Old Sock" puts me to sleep! ohnny Winter is the real deal!
By bob bobblaw
how can ANYONE rate this less than 5 stars ? ? ? ?
Still Alive and Well
By Struckwitdblues
I only got to see Johnny live once in Norfolk Va.. A show I'll never forget.
Thanks for all the good vibes in your music. Sulphur Louisiana native
Johnny Winter
By Bob on the Porch
Solid old time Rock/Blues, killer songs that melt into the next killer song. Not a bad song on the album, great way to spend an hour. Very Good!!!
By Opa Karl G
Rock solid! Great, basic, Blues! Welcome back, Johnny!
Best blues
By Demon1981
Greatest blues album I've heard in a long time.
By shaseiful
PASS me the weekend... let me sit in a chair, KICKin BACK ... TURN THIS this music UP. ADD a nice cold glass of whatever you like..... Let the music flow....
Doctors can't prescribe a better way to lower your blood pressure! Here is evidence why Johnny Winter is a legend in our time..... Just listen to these tunes! Thanks Johnny, this is the best release I have heard in a VERY long time! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 (Yup, that is 5 hearts for you!)