Love love LOVE this Zumba tune!
By Geeko1985
After hearing this song countless times when warming up in the Zumba classes I attend on a regular basis, I had to hunt down this song. God Bless you, iTunes!
By mochafemme210
Heard this song in Zumba did the routine in Zumba love it!
Pause by Pitbull
By So. Cal. Girl
Love this song. First heard it in Zumba class & now I absolutely love it. Love your "clean" versions esp. since I have small kids around.
You go boy!
By lovepitubll
Pitbull rocks!!! I love all his music. It's great to dance to and work out to. You go boy!!!! Keep it up! Ignore the haters!
love it!
By The Alvees
this song is so much fun! love it!
You Rock
By Lamaslinda
Wow, you did it more than 6000 people just for Zumba convention
God bless you and take care of your lyrics, because you are a role model... Many kids love you too.
what's the big deal!!!!
By Loudalove
the song is awesome the choreo is awesome zumba is amazing what's the BIG DEAL ABOUT ONE WORD!!!! it's great all the way around!!!!
Yeah for clean version
By Sweet Melisa
Yes to clean versions of all Zumba songs!!!! Love the easy to learn and teach moves for Z class.
By coolioawesomeness
i am glad the word "bra" was taken out but anybody who can rhyme knows what he is saying. i wish a talented artist like Pitbull could sing about something besides sex.
awesome song
By hinditina
this song is played in my zumba class and i love it!!