By istariphoenix
FREAKING PHENOMENAL. Many years ago my cousin turned me onto the song "Home", and I absolutely fell in love with Marc Broussard then. But I recently discovered three more albums and I'm jumping for joy… Marc Broussard is an incredible artist, he has phenomenal songwriting talent, and you can tell he loves the Lord through his lyrics. Amen brother, keep singing! :-)
"The Voice"
By Mr. Mclovin
This album is but another dimension of Marc's talent. I think I've figured him out though. Marc probably has way more fun touring than cutting albums so the album only makes you want to see him live even more! I saw Marc at the Birchmere a few weeks ago where he sang his soon to be released single, "Shine." I don't know how any producer on Earth could capture what I saw and heard when he wailed that song live.
Mostly Great
By Rocnbluegirl
One man's high production value sounds over produced to others. I love that Marc is so good he managed not to get lost on the cuts with top heavy orchestration. Other reviewers have already said it but I must repeat and agree, Marc Broussard playing live with his band is light years better than what those who have not heard him before get on this major label release. That said, there are 5 tracks on this release that I can't wait to hear live.
By Ryan J.R.
This is my first album of Marc Broussard. I got it right after I heard him live. People of the world, even if you don't like this album, whenever he does a show in your town, GET THE TICKETS. Oddly enough Marc is WAY better live than on record, and that is extremely unusual these days (especially with auto-tune). So if you don't like this album, give his others a chance, and try to see him live whatever it takes, 'cause he's got a one-in-a-million voice.
By klietzke
I am HUGE Marc Broussard fan, been listening to him for an extremely long time. His voice is one in a million and although he sounds as awesome as usual on this album; it is SOOO poppy and radio-ready. It's like he completely abandoned this groove and soul. I've always loved his smooth voice and funky style, but this new album didn't deliver. I don't know if he's trying to get more play on radio or get more woven into mainstream music, but folks who've been with him for long periods will definately notice the lack of luster and soul on this record.
New sound! Love it!
By Patrice LaBauve
I've been listening to Marc for years and this new album has such a great new sound from him. It's great! Another wonderful album from our hometown boy!!!
Great voice
By Gbut218
Great voice. Just saw him on Lopez tonight and he did great