
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Lame

    By jayceefam3
    Worst drag ever doesn't even deserve one star
  • Whut.

    By ParsimonX
    Raja. I love you so much. Why.. just. Why? Am I listening to the same song everyone else is?
  • Oh yea

    By Flybyknight9
    Fan. Tastic.
  • Great song

    By grantsisneros
    I love this song my only issue is the 50 mixes that are going to come out. I don't understand why a song just can't be a song. This one is great the original version.
  • Look forward to more Raja!

    By brifuchs
    I hated this until I loved it. I am really surprised that Raja's first song is not… different somehow, but I personally can't stop listening to it. I'm looking forward to Raja's future and hope there is some amazing stuff on the horizon.
  • Werq!

    By Puppahs yttik
    Great song! I listen to this when I'm putting on my face ;)
  • duh!!!

    By prettypoison33
    Raja isn't a singer, we all know that. She's doing what she does best which is being herself. Anyone who knows her or has been around her throughout her years as a drag queen can tell you that she is very consistent with her drag persona. I love it the track cause she isn't trying to be what she's not. She could have easily had a bunch of singers come in and do crazy backup vocals, and auto tuned the hell out of her voice. But she didn't! Much respect Raja, and great job!
  • UNF!!!

    By NickAckley
    Great song Raja!! You are a fierce queen!!
  • Really?!?

    By DJpaddywagon
    Please stop.
  • Love it

    By Huss3D
    I love it :D GO RAJA!