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Title Artist Time


  • Pure genius.

    By Scrabblest
    Anything new is incredible
  • Strawberry

    By Real art shines
    I love
  • good album

    By byron miller
    This album is for those times you have all your friends over for a hookah session. Good music to chill to.
  • i love this album

    By Thomas Jay 2015
    Really Different album then bibio's last but the electric sounds and beats are really good, one of my faves, its not much at first but defiantly a second look.
  • Takes Aim but Misses the Mark

    By syz1969
    I really love Bibio in all his incarnations, not just strictly his older material. I appreciate his style and influences tremendously. He clearly has been having a very prolific creative period these last three or four years and I'm grateful as Boards of Canada have either been on hiatus or may never return. True they aren't even the same but both have the crack of the lofi whip down to a science. This album is beautifully mixed and mastered but what is missing are the hooks. Even in the more simplified acoustic beauty of Bibio's earlier work there were delights and surprises throughout. Not so much here, disappointingly. Still there is much to like about the new album. Saint Christopher alone is a delectable throwback. Just so that other fans are aware, the single Excuses comes with a cover of Paul Simon's 'Old Friends' with that deliciously hazy feel he's known for. Its rather haunting. It doesn't seem to be available with the itunes single here, but look for it. It is fantastic and dreamy. He is also releasing an alt version of 'Take off Your Shirt' a song most thought fell flat on its face. This version to be released on Aug 1, has a great funk brass riff, some great harder rock guitar and then delightfully slips into some tape ducking warble that is just fantastic. I don't mean to be a downer, I really wanted to love this album the way I did Ambivalence Avenue. Ambivalence just managed to carry the divergent styles better.
  • buy it now!

    By !234!
    Anything New sounds like a DJ who remixed elevator music remarkably
  • Bliss

    By polidesto
    This album is leaving an impresion in my ears that I can say no album has done in the same way. I mean this. Electronic textures, guitar and voice subtleties all blended in an exquisitely intense projection. I find the album makes justice to its name, in that it creates solid contrast between auditive planes, thus augmenting their sonic effect. Great work!
  • Buy It!

    By ashsaysgoes
    I will be honest in saying I don't usually purchase music. But I bought this. Serious ear candy. Epic music for your daily living. Poetry over a perfect beat!
  • Wow

    By prodby9001
    Im one to usually avoid anything but strait up classic rock and ive been really into rap for the past few years. I downloaded the sampler and take of your shirt was beyond amazing. It was enough to jump headfirst into the genre and now i can stop listening to bibio
  • It's wonderful.

    By Lespaulization
    It overflows creativity. I'm not in love with every song, but I'm more open to it. Get. This. Album. The more I listen to Bibio is the more I get into them.