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Title Artist Time


  • True Metal

    By ElDuderino27
    One of the best live albums of all time. This is Lamb of God in their prime running through the early hits. Hardcore sound that tops any of their studio albums. Truly a metal masterpiece. Enjoy!
  • Why did iTunes remove the explicit

    By Michael283322
    I have the explicit. Why did they remove it
  • LOG

    By OAAChrisLMAO
    You sure this is live? sounds like studio quality
  • Solid Live Concert

    By Somekidfromaplace
    LoG is one of those bands that can actually sound better live. It's incredible really. One of my favorite live concerts ever. Recording quality is right on, good song selection, and brilliant performance.
  • Very good for live

    By shotgun1474
    I have the cd version of this and I was very surprised of how good it sounded. If you like lamb of god you should get this
  • I hate live...

    By Dedmotorhead
    I hate live Except when a band is tight enough to pull it off. This is one of those bands. Nothing better then the intro to and the lead up and then countdown of the finale of Black Label. That is the kill switch button being pressed. :j rock out with your #%!'s out brothers.
  • Solid

    By Sir Boom
    Rarely will you ever find such clarity in sound from heavy metal bands live. A real testament to the true talent of LOG.
  • Lamb of God

    By JoeyDrum
    they are better live!!!