Sweet music, man
By Out of this world good!
Hey your album is awesome. I never knew you were that popular. I just thought you were a guitar teacher, not an actual artist. Well, good luck wth your sucsess. Keep rockin' dude. I will totaly look at your music in the future.
Way to go Zapman!
By Myyst
Shows why he a great teacher of all styles of music. I can loop "reflective eyes" and zone out for hours. The cd is a great road play.
By Darkblade139
Amazing album! Wicked guitar solos man!!! I personally like July 22nd and New Toys Old Toys the most. The rest are great too. Keep it up man! I'll definitely check out other stuff of yours if you choose to do more in the future. Keep Rockin'!
Great album!
By Elena Fisher
This is a great album. The guitar playing is awesome. I love the solo in "Five Points". July 22nd is awesome. The covers are also top-notch. I also really like the song "New Toys Old Toys", funny stuff! Good job on the album man! I'll be watching for more from you in the future, I wish you good luck. Peace!