By UNK143
She is timeless and so is her sound!!!!!
Wow, what a surprise!
By Clrkstevo
I used to hear her songs as a child when my Mom would play the hi-fi at home. I liked her voice and music then but later forgot about them. Listening to them now, I never realized how many of her songs were later re-made by artists of my generation in my high school years, and since. Imitation really is the sincerest form of flattery...
Finest Hour
By Maitri Michigan
A masterpiece of pop music
By mscottj87
The one thing my mom and I can agree on.
So evocative of a time and place...
By futureretro
I grew up in St. Louis, Missouri in the 60's...fell in love, a few times, and remember making out to his album, how just listening to Dionne Warwick's velvet voice made it even more passionate and memorable. With Burt Bacharach, she was unstoppable. And this is one of her top albums. NOT TO BE MISSED!