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Title Artist Time


  • quintessential lotus

    By Homie Azumad
    dope cd, these guys killed it both times i've seen them. Probably my top 5 live acts to see today. but seriously, what's with the silly price for the cd?
  • Yup

    By Ch3fRin
    Lotus is by far the best!
  • Spirit

    By Torin T
    Lotus pours so much groove into their work it's pretty unbelievable. The tunes flow together incredibly well, and the jazz influence makes these relaxing jams unique in a musical world that's sadly becoming so general. Colorado is the state to be as Lotus sure knows.
  • Legendary

    By CptGeneralBurnside
    This album will always be in my rotation. Phenomenal in every aspect.
  • Legendary!

    By OriBlitz
    Ok so I might be getting ahead of myself (because of how much I love this band) but I can honestly say that this album has such an appealing sound that I find it impossible not to like. These guys are extremely talented and put on fabulous concerts that everyone needs to see! LIVINGSTON STORM!
  • Lotus=god

    By Dvdscttbrtn
    I just saw lotus on new years and flower sermon and spiritualize and my face instantly melted into mush. Amazing!!!
  • Unreal

    By barrelboi
    My electronica dream album.
  • Underrated songs

    By rmc2790
    "Travel" is hands down one of the most underrated songs and it will make you dance whether you want to or not. "Greet the Mind" is also fantastic. Overall, great album and Lotus just keeps doing it.
  • lotus kills it every time.

    By mf333
    lotus is out of this world amazzzing. i suggest that you first see them live in order to understand their madness. they will move you, groove you and make you want to DANCE like a noodle. their live music is the best i have ever heard, yet their recorded tracks are amazing as well! definitely check them out live, as it will change your life forever, as well as how you perceive life itself. i agree with a previous post, colorado is singlehandedly the most beautiful song ever written. i listen to it whenever i am worked up about something and it almost instantaneously calms me. BUY THIS ALBUM LOTUS KILLSSSSSSSS it.
  • Nice!

    By Lmoney420
    Thank you for making music that is nothing like all the other garbage out there today. this album is my first of lotus, will not be my last. can't wait to see them 2/26/10