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Title Artist Time


  • What Pat Menthey says about David Binney

    By drumhead30
    ‎"Dave (Binney) has long been one of my favorite musicians. This may be the most complete example yet of his incredible talent as a composer and bandleader. Exceptional writing and playing all around." -Pat Metheny on Binney's new release "Graylen Epicenter"
  • Mainstream with a twist

    By Zot99
    Good stuff, quality musicians & charts, just twisty enough to grab your attention. Mainstream with some very interesting forks in the road...Chris Potter is his usual genius self, but the band as a whole is very tight, with a special mention to Gretchen Parlato's vocals throughout. This sounds like music written by an architect, but someone on the level of Frank Lloyd Wright...give it at LEAST 3 listens before you make a decision.
  • Highly recommended

    By MJN717
    David Binney and an all-star ensemble blend some first rate modern jazz.