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Title Artist Time


  • Unforgettable

    By Vash0169
    This is a amazingly awesome song!!
  • Not just music, but an experience.

    By Guardiant7
    I didn't feel like I was too into this type of music, or this album at first. But, while listening to it, I realized that this isn't at all the kind of music you listen to normally. This kind of music must be listened to expecting an experience... Like an adventure... and this album will do that. It will take your mind to places you've not explored.
  • A Consoladtion of Their Sound

    By E. Hilerniton
    I believe this album to be the doorway to a new direction much like their Shango album was for them to head and venture off into new directions. This is why you will see their next album, Gods and Monsters (2008), encorporate more of a lyrical basis. It starts off subtle and collected with Part One of Conquistador. After the almost six minutes of guitars, atmopsheric resound and chanting vocals, we get the conclusion in Part Two. I would say it is a remix of Conga Fury but it can also stand by itself as an original piece. After that you are treated to a remake of "Burly Brawl" from the Matrix: Reloaded, now titled Giant, in all its glorious sounds, flavors and complexities. One can honestly listen to this whole album through and wonder when they can get their next fix. It is truly an outstanding album and I believe it to be the epitome of Juno Reactor's sound. The eternal and plunging sounds and riffs on Mutant Message is truly surreal and plant you in a different realm. I'd say give this album a try and see for yourself if it does not live up to your expectations. Oh! and please do not discount Zwara...it is a heart felt track and speaks volume to masses unknown and known.