Only 2 other reviews?
By Hammergus
Really? This is a beautiful album, an absolute masterpiece. You can listen to this, and just drift away in the sounds. Every song is amazing, Bangaday especially.
Tipo uma dimenção nova (kind of like a new dimention...)
By LoBaTãO
...Epah familia (meu mánu) este dread do R. Babicz
tem cá umas kéttas altamente deslumbrantes. É que
se um gajo não se por à pau --- quando te déres conta
um gajo já a viajar. Nas nuvens, percebes !!!
Just chillin
By Sugga' Shane
Robert Babicz just sends that real chill vibe with his music. And that's exactly what I'm looking for when I sit down at my local cafe and do my sketches! I would strongly recommend for those of us who are looking for a Suave meistro