By MissionServe_DC2012
Andrew you and the band u were with put on the best worship sessions this week in DC for mission serve.
-Carmel student
om gosh!!!!
By zombie killen' girl
i totaly love this band. ul b so touched by these songs & feel the power od God raign on u. iv seen him live n consert at truett camp 4 kids an he touched so many hearts that week that 8 kids got saved. God bless every one!
Great CD!!!
By TiffWhite
Amazing CD & person! God Bless!!!
Great music.
By Uvfivdkdgxlgcl
Andrew Brown Band is fantastic!
Beautiful Exhaustion
By Wes Fulghum
Having listened to this man live and felt his anointed music time and again, Andrew Brown is the real deal. You will truly be blessed by his music!
Great Job Guys!!
By AshleyBshaw
I am truly proud of you Drew and the rest of the band! It's so awesome to see the the songs i've grown up with from Youth now on iTunes.. it's amazing. The CD is awesome! God is amazing and has blessed y'all so much. I'm so proud. I miss all of you guys from the Youth Group like crazy. I'll be home soon, and can't wait to see y'all.
Miss & love you guys!
-Ashley Bradshaw =]
Absolutely amazing
By Hawk nelsons #1 fan
His music is great! :) saw him first at mission serve loved him ever since. Red is for the blood is my favorite
By B-BoY96hAtErS
I've met the singer and listen to them live and all I can say is amazing
Love it!
By Amy Helton
Amazing CD by a truly amazing person.
By Logan, my dude
Amazing CD!