Love this song!
By Jsa1192
And it came out a day before my b-day haha ;-p
Good song
By SissySamB
At first I did not like it but as soon as I herd it a couple times it was awesome I know every word so fun to sing along!!
One of my MOST favorite songs
By RyanMGarcia
This song makes me feel happy every time I listen to it. Especially the chorus. Make more music when you're done with college Miranda!
I love this
I really like the rapping along with the auto-tuned vocals. She really knows pop music.
Why is this song hated by so many people?
By Blaze342
I can understand how this song could make her seem like 'the next Ke$ha', but this song is very catchy with it's eletronic beat, and auto-tuned vocals.However, while I love this idea, this isn't Miranda Cosgrove.
Great song
By Raymond619
I like this song it's catchy .
Doesn't really suit her :/
By Heyyyitsm
This would have been better sang by someone like Avril Lavigne in my opinion.
Hate her like the song
By Saturna24
I Just "like" the song ok hate her and she's trying to be someone else not herself. hate her like Just "Like" the song nothing more. I told ya's crank that music up? That's not a real sentence moron. Your trying to hard idiot I hate you so much I wish I could smack you. Hey look at that just like it your stupid song when you and your friends keep saying Smack! Haha loser just die already
My song
By Chicken9872
I love this song and I can't believe some of those people think its her but it so her.
not her
By grxceboyd
im sorry this song is too ke$ha waanna be