Songs of the Unforgiven - Crash Test Dummies

Songs of the Unforgiven

Crash Test Dummies

  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2004-10-12
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 17

  • ℗ 2004 Deep Fried Records


Title Artist Time
Prelude Crash Test Dummies 0:19
Sonnet I (And When the Sun Goe Crash Test Dummies 2:31
And So Will Always Crash Test Dummies 3:16
The Unforgiven Ones Crash Test Dummies 2:54
Interlude 1 Crash Test Dummies 0:23
Come Down to the Sinkhole Crash Test Dummies 2:34
Is the Spell Really Broken? Crash Test Dummies 3:53
Everlasting Peace Crash Test Dummies 2:39
Sonnet 2 (And Back In Ages Pas Crash Test Dummies 2:40
The Beginning of the End Crash Test Dummies 3:00
Interlude 2 Crash Test Dummies 0:36
You've Had Your Run Crash Test Dummies 3:21
There Is No Final Winner Crash Test Dummies 2:13
You've Done It Once Again Crash Test Dummies 3:46
Sonnet 3 (The Cold Is Here) Crash Test Dummies 2:04
The Wicked and the Evil Crash Test Dummies 3:03
Postlude Crash Test Dummies 1:16


  • One of my favorites

    By JamesMor
    Songs of the Unforgiven is, in my opinion, the strongest album they have put together since The Ghosts That Haunt Me Now, the first album. Stylistically, the album is slower and perhaps darker than other CTD albums. I purchased this on a lark and I am really glad I did.
  • Loved it

    By Sol1
    Dark and even a bit disturbing notes in this album but it leaves you thinking about fate and your life, excellent!!!
  • 5 Star

    By ZoeyLu
    Introspective and eclectic. Amazing stuff !
  • Great CD!

    By Mrjikey
    I've always been a fan of CTDs but the album before this wasn't what I hoped it'd be. This album however was more than I was hoping for when I saw that it came out. I hope they can release another great album in the near future as good as this one.
  • 7 STARS!

    By Viracocha711
    Maybe I get so much out of the excellent song writing or folks simply like to complain because I enjoy all CTD's music...There are still a few artist out there that do not create music just so that it will sell but sell the music they create. I think some people expect Brad Roberts to do exactly what they want or they complain. Ellen Reid is awesome! I highly recommend her album "Cinderellen" The song "The Unforgiven Ones" is simply a master piece!
  • No No No No

    By Tommaaay!
    Brad Roberts indulges his odd habit of ending great albums with slow sludgy tunes that bring it all to a grinding halt by creating an album full of them. Buy any of the following and then bail out on the tailspin: The Ghosts That Haunt Me, God Shuffled His Feet, A Worm's Life, Give Yourself A Hand, Puss 'N' Boots. The Ghosts That Haunt Me, their first album, is a little too country-folk; A Worm's Life tries too hard to be God Shuffled His Feet, but "I'm Outlived By That Thing?" is totally worth it, and the last two are great night-driving albums.
  • Very slow ballads, thoughtful lyrics, missing funky sound.

    By SpreadThePeace
    After reading positive reviews, I was ready for the return to the old snappy, percussive songs of GodShuffledHisFeet. These songs are slow deep ballads. The melodies are catchy and memorable and I think they will grow on me. But I'm still secretly wishing for the old formula.
  • not worth my time

    By golfdirt
    I'd like to know who wrote the the five star ratings at the top. This is the lamest album ever. I sure miss the old CTD's
  • A New Page

    By ithinkilikedirt
    I was like many other fans of CTD -- loved their first three albums, then listened to their "Give Yourself A Hand" and said, "huh?" They lost me for a few years, but I decided to give "Songs of the Unforgiven" a try. I was wary of the constant, slow pace of the entire album, but many of the songs have grown on me in a big way. Particularly strong are the following tracks: Sonnets I through III, The Unforgiven Ones, and my favorite track of the album, Is the Spell Really Broken? Overall, this is the best work CTD has done in years, and is a welcome depatrure from the experimentation phase of the last ten years or so. Good work!
  • Amazing...

    By BT&B
    This is an album that I go back to again and again... It's got a religious feel to it (thematically, lyrically). Sinners and saints alike will appreciate this minor masterpiece after a few listens.

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