Amazing songs...!
By nmmoonlight
I love all the songs in it... My most fav is onna to otokono luluby game and fantasy ga hajimaru!!:)
Morning musume!
By Autumnsmith
kay, love this album ~momusu!!! (but where is their newest album????, iTunes is usually releasing them like two weeks before they release in japan.....)
Still Going Strong
By Bowser05
Being the last album with Eri, Junjun and Linlin, this album absolutely rocks. There is good variety and each song is fun to listen to. One of my favorite Morning Musume songs is on this album (Fantasyが始まる).
It's a RIGHT album cover
By kumoemi
awesome album
-and also to all the people saying that it's the wrong album cover.... it's the right one, ok? there's just different versions of it. plus on the album cover you can see the title of the album.
other than that awesome songs.
Love MoMusu~
By LacieLeia
Awesome album.
But this is the wrong cover. D8
Amazing but...
By passion-beat
Great album, so excited its out! But itunes got the wrong cover, which really bites; the real one is AMAZING
By colin72193
GREAT!~ but wrong cover!~
By Alyssa D Hubbard
Love the album but why does it have lullaby game's cover?
It's here!!!!!
By Jinise Whiteside
I love every song on this album!!!!! But junjun, why do u have to leave so soon?!?!