By Baileyy(:(:(:
I've loved Travie since Gym Class Heros!(: he never let's me down! Lovee it<3
Nice song
By DMurrel
I like it not the best he has done but it's good
Travie Clause minus the ho ho
By PiNk LuV!!!!!!
Travie Mccoy is still the best but i do miss gym class heroes and im unsure how i feel about this song. Its not bad but its not amazing.... like previous hits.
Something Is messing
By Woodland acres
I would of been better whit Bruno Mars
By Jam3735
Travie McCoy is cool
Stop hating
By Swan1225
Travis McCoy is great and this song is catchy. Stop hating!!!!!!
Just quit already!!!
By KaliGrown661
As much as you've tried, you'll never go down in history as a good artist. One hit wonder as a single artist and one hit wonder with GCH!!! Poser!!
Great song
By Mesocool
Luv this song! Creative and amazing!
<3 always
By Lucinda97
I love this song sooo much. I hve since Lazarus came out. I dont know y it's a single but o well. The only thing is tht music video is BAAAAD!! U can do bttr trav.
By rycrimes
You guys are acting like it's a terrible song, when it's actually pretty good. And to those of you saying he wants more attention than what he had in GCH, he's still with them. This is just a solo album of his. They're actually releasing a new album in 2011.